So a while back, I had my tongue in this girl's mouth. I had my tongue in her mouth, and I was struck by the realization that I was wasting my time.
I wasn't thinking that it was fun, that she smelled good, or that she was hot, or that it was a pretty good ego-boost for me at a time when I really needed it.
Nope, I was thinking that it was a waste of time.
Of course, that didn't stop me from slaking the shit out of that girl. I am a single straight guy after all.
Anyway, a couple of days ago I saw the girl again. I was eating lunch. She was working. She came up to me and, after the required Hi and How are you doing?, asked, "I'm embarrassed to have to ask, but what was your name again?"
Like I said, a waste of time.
For her too, apparently.