Got in the elevator today, after lunch. Heading back up to my luxurious penthouse cubicle.
The elevator was empty. Except for me.
So imagine my surprise when a voice spoke to me.
"Hello?" The voice asked.
That was weird, I couldn't help but notice.
"Um, hello to you as well," I answered. To the empty elevator.
"Hello, can you hear me?" the voice asked.
"I can hear you," I answered.
"Is this God?" I had to ask.
If the voice had answered yes, I realized with alarm, I was going to have a lot of explaining to do. But I also vowed to ask some rather pointed questions myself.
"No," The voice said. "This is Mr. Smith from XYZ Corporation. Who is this?"
"I'm Dave of course," I told the voice. "Are you invisible? How'd you do that?"
"I'm looking for Ms. Jones from ABC Corporation," the voice, er, Mr Smith answered.
Turns out that it was the emergency phone in the elevator. This Mr. Smith guy had called my company's main operator, and been accidentally transferred to the elevator in my building.
Mr. Smith and I had a nice laugh over the situation.
But now I can't help but wonder. If it had been God, or some invisible man, then wouldn't that whole Mr. Smith on the elevator phone thing, wouldn't that have been the perfect cover-up?
So, just in case, no more picking my nose in the elevator.