Just some stupid things to change the subject.
Today is Wednesday, formerly also known as AlliDay. But now it's AlliLessDay.
AlliLessDay sucks.
Today I've spent most of my time striving to shift my anger back to where it belongs - to myself. I'm the one who did the stupid things for the stupid reason.
Who cares that I didn't know it was stupid at the time?
It's certainly not her fault. It's all mine.
I had Skyline for lunch today. I think they must have laced it with sleeping pills. I can't remember ever being so tired, except maybe last night at 8:00 or so.
HatGirl wants me to pretend to be a preacher and pretend to marry her and LuckyFucker. That might be fun.
Seriously, Miss. Don't come to the thing. Come and see me, that's fine. But if you're coming to the thing, then I won't be there. Please realize what a monumentally stupid idea you coming to the thing is.
I guess that's it for now.
You're right. I won't go. It wouldn't be helping you at all.
posted by: MixedSignalGirl | August 13, 2008 6:46 PM