I wonder who was more surprised. I called, and that must have surprised her. She answered, and that certainly surprised me.
It's the weirdest thing, how a short time on the phone, hearing a voice, can ease so much tension, erase so many doubts, clear up so many misunderstandings.
I just wanted to know if she was okay, that's all. I didn't ask her to come back. I didn't even ask her if she missed me. I just asked if she was okay, and she said that she was. She asked if I was okay, and I said that I wasn't.
Truth. She taught me its value, and I haven't forgotten.
We talked for an hour or so. It was a lot like old times, except we've obviously both moved on. She's moved further than I have.
It was nice. I really miss her sometimes, but I'm glad she got away from me when she did. Before I'd have hurt her all over again.
I was going to say you could have called anytime, but then you'd probably have said that I could have called you anytime. Anyway thanks and take care!
posted by: MixedSignalGirl | January 23, 2009 7:37 AM
Actually, I would have replied that I most certainly couldn't call you anytime but thanks for saying I could. Or something like that.
posted by: dave | January 23, 2009 7:53 AM