It's hot outside. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying.
Okay, that one was a little too close. Anybody need any fresh firewood?
This lightning is awesome!
I make you a deal. You open your damn eyes, and I'll reopen mine. Sound fair?
Now I'm back home, sitting in my garage and hoping that all this lightning leads to something. I like storms.
Just don't. Tossing dice is not the answer. So don't.
Now I'm at Jack's, having a nice Newcastle to end my night.
Last night we were wondering where ActualGeorge has been, and he just walked in.
I took a nap. My cats actually let me sleep, and they didn't get into a
fight. I don't think I dreamed. It's hot here.
And then they started handing out free Chimay Grand Reserve...
And then they started passing out free Chimay...
It's not much hope, but I guess I don't need much. I just need a little.
This has been going on too long. There's got to be something else, besides
the obvious. I might have to start freaking out.
I'm back home now. Not what I'd have chosen.
Assuming that I'm standing in a puddle of water that's pooled under the urinal.
MisunderstoodGirl is here! Yay!
After I say something a million or so times without response, it starts to feel a little redundant. So tonight I'm not going to say it, except to myself.
It's reallly dead in here.
Now I'm at the haunted Burger King. Next I'm going to Rich O's. I'm really feeling unmotivated tonight.
Who am I supposed to cheer for when they're both hot?
I've got this thought stuck on the tip of my brain. If I can manage to dislodge it, maybe I'll write something.
I switched from 400 texts a month to unlimited. It was only $16 more, and
now I don't have to be paranoid about it.
I did one of my good deeds for the day. I called NakedGirl and sang Happy
Birthday to her, albeit 90 minutes later than I'd planned. My other
good deed for the day is on hold, because someone is a big fat
meanie. Disclaimer: Not really big, or fat, or mean. Okay, maybe
Slurp is a funny word.