So this guy from work went to Las Vegas last week. I don't think he did it to piss me off, but I don't know him really well so maybe.
I haven't been to Las Vegas since my birthday weekend last February, and I was already getting antsy before my coworker went there. Now I'm at least double-antsy, or maybe even triple-antsy.
The next opportunity I'll have to take any long trip is after the first week of November. I'm seriously thinking about just going ahead and biting the bullet and buying airfare and reserving a room, probably at Luxor this time.
It might turn out to be a little irresponsible, but dammit I deserve a vacation after all this bullshit.
My boyfriend looooooves Vegas, but I've never been (I'd love to, though).
I agree, you deserve the trip.
posted by: NakedGirl | August 25, 2009 11:40 AM