I'm seriously pissed off now. And I'd foolishly thought that I'd have
insomnia for the usual reason.
Experiencing a serious feeling of deja vu.
My right eyelid keeps twitching. Everyone probably thinks I'm winking at them. I'm not, though.
Too late for a nap, way too early to go to bed for the night.
I think it's weird that Five Guys always puts your food in a bag, and they don't have any trays at all.
One load in the washer now, only 999,999 more loads to go.
I just realized that if I go anywhere for two months I'm going to miss HatGirl's birthday. So that settles it. I can't go. There. I feel better now.
But first, a trip to the haunted Burger King for breakfast and phone-glaring.
I'll be really busy for the next two days, but then...Las Vegas!
Okay, fine. One more Marzen before bedtime.
I hate this.
I got to see HatGirl, and I'd resigned myself to not seeing her until
mid-January. I tricked her into coming to Rich O's. I don't feel guilty at
I am not a cheap whore. I may be a whore, but I'm not cheap.
I don't know for what, though. Something spicy, maybe.
Trying to take the hint, but it's hard.
Okay, that was really disgusting. When I stepped into my garage this morning, I accidentally stepped on and squished a mouse. So it was a crappy start to my day, but even worse for the mouse.
I seem to have successfully flipped my schedule back to semi-normal.
Some people just need to be told that they suck.
Really missing them both tonight. Stage one and a half, I guess.
Got halfway here, realized I'd left home without my wallet, and so had to turn around and go get it.
Going to Rich O's. I'd just go to stupid Bearno's but they have stupid live
music on Wednesdays.
It was a false alarm!
Now I'm really starting to freak out.
My biggest regret is that it's gotten to the point that, though I may be
needed, I'm not wanted.