posted by dave on Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 3:50 AM in category daily

Four hours seems to be my limit on sleep. No matter how tired I think I am, no matter if I feel like I could sleep forever, I always seem to wake up after a couple of hours.

And I don't even seem to wake up like a normal person. There's no period of drowsiness to ease the transition. Nope, one second I'm asleep, and the next second I'm wide awake.

Sometimes, I can remember the dream or the stray thought that so forcefully awakened me, but not often, or even most of the time. Most of the time, it just happens.

So, I get out of bed and I find something to do.

Tonight, I started feeling really tired around 9:30. I was out in my garage, glaring at my phone, waiting for it to woohoo or quack at me. I decided that, if I hadn't heard anything by 10:30, I'd go to bed and sleep forever.

Well, I didn't hear anything by 10:30, so I went to bed. My phone did quack around 11:00, so that was nice. By some miracle, I was able to go back to sleep after that.

I slept until a little after 2:00, when I found myself wide awake.

So, I got up, watched some old episodes of Lost, and then sat down to write this boring entry.

comments (1)

How's your energy level during the daytime waking hours? Can you comfortably stay awake for 12 hrs from s-a-y 7 am - 7pm ?

If you're able to fully function on 4 hrs of sleep out of 24 hrs in a day, that can be a blessing. You have at least 6 hrs more than most of us to "accomplish" other things, while still having the standard 4 hrs or so to burn each day watching TV.

How would most people use an additional 6 hrs each day?

I would use at least 4hrs honing my pool game.

The other 2hrs I'd either read or workout (a necessity in holding back the ill-effects of this many years under the ravages of gravity).

I would invest in the Rosetta Stone program and learn Spanish, the Puerto Rican or Mexican dialect.

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