posted by dave on Thursday, June 3, 2010 at 6:35 AM in category ramblings

I think that I'm settling into this schedule too easily. In bed by 10:00, up at 5:00. Work, home, sleep. This is a recipe for complacency. For the same fucking contentedness that wasted most of my 30s.

Not that I'm even close to content. But I can tell that it's there, just around the corner beyond acceptance. Eventually, if I'm not careful, I'll get there.

That will suck. Man was not born to be content. To just go through the motions of life.

comments (1)

: self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies

Satisfied with one's self. Satisfied in the fact that one's self brought and did all that could be brought to bear and done in any given day in any given situation. Self is quite aware of how fucked up the world is locally and globally; Wall St., Gulf of Mexico, and any other number of situations that represent actual dangers or deficiencies; but there's nothing one's self can do about those things or one's self would've done something about them by now.

: feeling or showing satisfaction with one's possessions, status, or situation

Contentment is a reading pertaining to steady-state, stability, a foundation from which one can grow or respond.

The contentment and complacency you seem to abhor is one where you turn a blind eye to an obvious deficiency that you could rectify. That's not the result of a steady schedule, that's the result of a callous soul.

A steady schedule enables one to clearly identify "free time" with which efforts to eradicate deficiencies in the world around one's self can be put forth.

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