I've been saying the same thing now for a long time.
The first time I remember saying it was last November or December, in a text message to HatGirl.
Though I probably felt it a million times before then. And definitely a million times since.
I want this to be over. More than I've ever wanted anything else.
Yes, even more than that.
That was a beautiful dream. That was my reason for living. But that has turned into a terrible nightmare. But that has soured me on way too many things. That has made me doubt way too many things, question way too many things. Scary questions, that lead to even scarier answers.
I want to wake up. I want to I want to I want to I want to wake up from this nightmare.
The good thing about nightmares is that they always end, usually just when you feel most frightened or anguished, when you feel that it couldn't possibly get any worse.
But, you'll wake up.
posted by: NakedGirl | August 31, 2010 8:09 PM