Owah Tagee Kiyam.
Last week I was in Las Vegas for an IT storage conference. I attended the same conference at the same time last year.
During last year's trip I also did something that I thought was so cool I just had to share it.
The problem was that none of my friends or family would think it was cool at all.
They would think I was a geek.
So instead of telling people in person what I'd done I decided to start a weblog, and make my account of that experience the first entry.
Well one thing led to another and that entry never got made. My 'blog didn't get started until the Fall.
I will correct this injustice now, for that cool thing I did last year, I did it again last Thursday.
The cool thing I did was to shell out $29.95 for the main attraction at the Las Vegas Hilton - The Star Trek Experience.
Yes that's right. The Star Trek Experience.
Actually this year they'd added a second experience so I got to see something new as well as relive what I'd done the year before.
There's only one problem. Besides, I mean, the obvious social conclusions one might draw from reading about a person attending anything with "Star Trek" in the title.
Aside from that 900-pound gorilla named "Nerd" that everyone notices but pretends isn't there.
I was bored. What had been to exciting and new a year ago, this year for me at least, revealed itself to be what I should have known all along.
A geek festival.
The simulated motion parts of the attractions were very cool indeed, but they were so wrapped up in cheesy sets and wooden lines that even the actors couldn't take it seriously.
And forget about us tourists. We all seemed, for those 18 minutes or so, to finally understand how the rest of the world views us Star Trek fans.
Just about the way we ourselves view the Buffy fans.
Actually, "The Buffy Experience" sounds intriguing.
Mmmmm, Sarah Michelle Gellar.
But I ramble.