In my hung-over state I forgot to write about this Saturday occurrence.
When I first arrived at Rich O's, I walked to the bar to order my first beer and talk with CoffeeDude for a bit.
Before I'd got two feet inside the door this girl sitting at the bar just started freaking out.
That's him! That's the guy! He's right there! I can't believe it! Hey Dave, over here! How are you!
Finally, the recognition I deserved. She was waving and bouncing up and down and I wouldn't be surprised if she wet herself a little.
This moderately attractive (I like brunettes in glasses) girl was as happy to see me as anyone has ever been - even more so than WendysLady. The problem was, I didn't have the slightest idea who in the hell she was.
I scanned my memory of my slightly checkered past, and found nothing. She did look familiar but I just couldn't place who she was.
Well as it turned out, this girl was a friend of one of my sisters, and I had actually met her a couple of times before.
What got GlassesGirl so excited was that she had just been talking to someone about my sister, and in particular my sister's Renaissance Faire obsession, when I walked in.
There I was, living proof that my sister existed and, by extension, proof that there really are people in the world that travel around trying to out-geek each other by dressing up in garb and saying aye and huzzah all the time.