Why? Why would someone do this to me?
It's just so unfair!
*sobs uncontrollably*
Somebody erased what I'd written on the board at Rich O's and rewrote it!
*breathes into paper bag*
Okay, so maybe I forgot to write how many ounces it was. Maybe I wrote a little small. Maybe I got the price wrong. Maybe my writing looked left-handed (inside joke ha-ha Hi M!) but c'mon! What I'd written was a zillion times better than what had been there, which was absolutely fucking nothing.
*tries to slash wrists with keys*
If I hadn't noticed the Smithwick's tap behind the bar, and written on the board, the place might not have sold any Smithwick's all weekend.
How would you have liked that, Roger? Your precious Smithwick's just sitting in the keg, going all stale and shit.
Everyone I asked, of course, denied erasing my legacy from the board, but there was one guy that got so flustered that he spilled an entire thing of straws all over the floor! Clearly there was a guilty conscience at work.
But I still don't understand why.
Oh BartenderDude, why hast thou forsaken me?*grins in an evil manner*
They say that revenge is a dish best served cold. My revenge will be frigid. A veritable iceberg of revenge. You just wait.
*begins plotting revenge*