This should be a brief entry. I don't feel like typing anything.
Saturday night started out weird. The first reason it started out weird was that I arrived at 7:00 instead of my usual 8:30ish time. The second reason it started out weird was that I went into the Sportstime side instead of the Rich O's side.
Both these bits of weirdness had the same cause. My sister Neisha, and her husband Chris, and her friend that was visiting from up North, were all there.
That side of the building is just strange, but at least they have the same beer list. I started out with a Guinness (1137) which I drank while everybody else had pizza. I had already eaten, plus I've pretty much given up on the pizza at Sportstime.
Three people that I know from Rich O's had expressed interest in seeing Neisha if she ever came in. The only one I knew how to contact was DooRagGirl, so I texted her. HotRedHead came in on her own, so she got to see Neisha, and I guess she also called GlassesGirl.
After everybody was done with their pizza we went over to Rich O's, stopping on the way to say hi to my cousin Jamie. He was sitting out front.
So, this is boring.
We sat in the living room area and talked and drank some. I had myself a Gravity Head beer:
Christoffel Werelds Winterbier (10)
(draft) Poured a lot darker than I expected. A pretty good beer. No spices or adjuncts that I could detect, so I'm not sure that I completely agree with the "Winter Beer" classification. Good though.Let's see, DooRagGirl managed to arrive in time to see Neisha, but they all left fairly early so they could go over to my other sister Dina's house.
GlassesGirl arrived about two minutes too late. I tried to call Neisha to see if she wanted to turn around and come back but I guess I fat-fingered my phone and I ended up leaving a message at her home number. Duh.
I think that it was about this time that I had another Guinness (1157).
I talked with DooRagGirl and GlassesGirl for a while. Eventually I had myself a Weihenstephaner (618).
I came home fairly early myself because I had to work early Sunday morning.
I could write about more shit from Saturday but I'm not going to.