I bet, if I had any long-term readers left, I bet they'd be pretty pissed at me if they knew what was going on. What I'm keeping from them.
Good thing I managed to bore them all into a coma a long time ago.
Since I'm off work for several days, I of course went to Rich O's Thursday night. I'd expected the place to be packed, what with the holiday weekend and all, but it was only about half full. I sat on the throne and ordered a Smithwick's (1152).
Then WomanRepellant came over and pointed out that they had Delirium Tremens on tap.
So I ordered one of those (650) and drank it first.
This is the part where I don't say anything.
Finally, I'd had enough "me time" and I went up to the island and listened to WomanRepellant and CoffeeDude and some dude I don't know talk about music for a while. It was boring, but it was better than having more time to think would have been.
At 11:30 or so, even though they were clearly kicking everyone out of the place, I wasn't quite ready to leave, so I had a Diet Coke and listened to some more boring music discussion.
Then I came home.
And this is another part where I keep my fucking mouth shut.