I have never in my life been able to climax from a blow-job. Not even close.
Now that I've got my sisters to stop reading this entry, I'll continue.
I was in a fight with one of my sisters recently. Not a real fight, but an email argument of sorts. I don't want to get into the details because it's nobody's business, but I think I can safely summarize by saying that she thought I was the worst person on Earth, and I disagreed.
I bet though, if I was the worst person on Earth, there'd be ways to make some pretty good money out of it. Even if it was just charging people to not hang out with them. Or maybe I could do school assemblies and give a moving don't grow up like me speech. Or a political party could pay me big bucks to endorse someone from a rival party. Like I'm pretty sure that Jesse Jackson must be on the Republican party's payroll.
The possibilities for wealth are almost endless.
And it must be easier than being the best person on Earth, because nobody has ever accused me of that.