I think I'm supposed to write something now. What, exactly, I'm not sure.
I had a very good evening.
I'm sober, but I'm not really sure how I managed it. I had a Newcastle (11787) at lunch, then a Schlenkerla Marzen (6592) before dinner, then three bottles of Barley Island Barfly (286) and a bottle of Barley Island Dirty Helen (484). I should be shitfaced, but I'm perfectly fine. Weird.
As I was driving home tonight, I saw a very bright shooting star, and I gave my wish to LaptopGirl. I hope she uses it wisely.
Today I had lunch with HatGirl.
She's such a good person. One of the best.
Sometimes I wish things weren't so lopsided. Because then I'd not only know exactly what to do, I'd actually be able to do it without it being weird.
There's been this hole in my soul for a long time. During times like tonight, when that hole is filled, I feel like a real person for a while. And then there was another hole. One I didn't even know about, and a little kid snuck right in and filled that hole like it was never even there.
Sometimes I can imagine myself being happy. It's nice, when I can do that.
I think I'm tired. I won't know for sure, though, until I go to bed. I guess I'll try that now. Long day tomorrow.