posted by dave on Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 1:48 PM in category daily, drink

I was struck by a small series of thoughts today, as I sat hunched over my liquid lunch (Schlenkerla Fastenbier - 553) contemplating this ridiculous series of rejections that I use instead of a life, and because sometimes I just feel like writing something, I thought I'd write about my series of thoughts.

I guess most of us were young and obnoxious once, except those of you who are still young and obnoxious - get off my lawn, by the way - and even though most of us have outgrown that phase, we still remember what it was like.

Remember how, on warm days, how good it felt to roll down the car windows and crank up the volume on the radio? Or the tape player or CD player or whatever; you know what I mean.

It was impossible to not feel really cool, cruising down the street with your music blaring all around you. People would turn their heads as you drove by, and you'd imagine them thinking, "Now there goes a cool person. He's bringing music to the world. Livening up my boring life. Thank you, cool person."

But the problem is, never once in the history of the world has anyone ever thought those things. The people who drive around with their music blaring so loudly that everyone within a five-block radius can not only hear it, they can feel in their bones and in their teeth as the bass notes vibrate their fillings loose - those people are assholes. I'm also pretty sure that they blow dead goats when they get home.

I never said this would be an interesting entry.

comments (1)

Ah but they are cool, dead goats be damned. And why?

Because they are comfortable in their own skin. It's not the car they drive, the clothes on their back, the person by their side (more on that later) . . but simply being comfortable in one's own skin.

Now, should you be fortunate enough to find someone to share in all that glory, THEN you've found where 1+1=3 and yes there is a magnificant magic in that. Just the same being complete as "1" ain't all that bad either.

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