OtherDave keeps trying to get me to drink shots, but he's not Holly so I'm not gonna do it.
To Jack's or not to Jack's, that is the question.
It would be easier if she wasn't so fucking beautiful. It still wouldn't be easy, but it would be easier.
Everything is too random now. I miss the routine.
"We have nothing right now, but we'll definitely keep you in mind," everyone
Guess who's still awake. Right, it's me. Now, guess why.
When guys try to pick me up at Mac's while the girl I love wants nothing to do with me.
The one thing without the other thing is a million times better than the other thing without the one thing. So there.
Open your eyes. Just open them, and see what's what. For just a second.
That's all it would take.
They messed up my pizza.
These chicks at Bearno's just declared that I'm the only real man here because I'm the only one drinking dark beer. While I might dispute their tagging Newcastle as a dark beer, I can't argue with the rest of their assertion.
It doesn't matter how hot the girl in that Bud commercial is. She's still peddling swill.
The chalkboard behind the dude on TV says "Clones are people two."
Well, that was fun.
Now I've done something to my left shoulder. I'm falling apart at the seams.
People should definitely fuck off with their "not worth it" bullshit or I
might have to go off on somebody. Perhaps cap a bitch.
Back home.
At this Third Street Dive place now. It's extremely loud here. I don't know
how she can stand it. I hope we leave soon.
It's not eight months, it's five and a half years. So people should fuck off with their "get over it" bullshit.
I took a nap this afternoon, and the dream I had during that nap, it had
this old church song as the theme song of the dream or something. Now I
can't get that song out of my head. I think I'll go to Rich O's and infect
everyone there now.
These people won't shut up. I'll try to refrain from murdering them. Because I'm all nice and stuff.
It's 3:00 and very peaceful, except in my head. My head is where chaos reigns.