Some skanky old hag stole my chair while I was in the restroom. Not my seat, but my actual chair.
Desire is one of the things that separates us from animals. That, and not being afraid of vacuum cleaners. Elimination of desire is elimination of humanity.
I was going to go pee, but then everyone on Earth decide to go pee at the same time, so I decided to wait.
I'm having Thai food for dinner. I've been having the strangest cravings lately. I hope I'm not pregnant.
Hooray for HatGirl!
It would be funny if hiccups were contagious like yawning.
Channeling Lou Rawls again. I wish I could sing.
Working on arranging my notes into a real blog entry. Stay tuned, I guess.
Now I'm at the place next to my hotel. It's their opening weekend.
It's a pretty nice day. which means it's not raining.
Heading back to Bellingham now.
(bottle) Hazy light orange. Decent head that faded to a thin film. Light aroma and flavor of assorted spices. Nothing notable, but still a good combination.
It's bizarre that I used to sit here in this seat at this bar and think that I was sad. I had no idea what real sadness was, back then.
I used to date this bartender's mother.
Why does enlightenment weigh so heavily on the soul?
This bartender is a bitch.
HatGirl's fortune cookie: Everything will now come your way.
LaptopGirl's fortune cookie: You will be surrounded by luxury.
(bottle) Clear fuzzy light bronze in color. No head to speak of. Aroma of ripe apples. Flavor typical for the style, with a little extra maltiness. Quite good.
I rest my case.
Beautiful day, but Mt. Rainier is still hidden by clouds.
There's actual blue sky up there this morning. I'm optimistic that I'll get to see some mountains.
Everybody keeps telling me what I already know.
Apparently, in Washington, my Indiana accent is sexy.
I guess that's all.
Had a nice night. Almost time for bed.
I miss Holly. I wish she still worked here. I do shots with Holly.
I'm down in Kent now. At my old bar. This used to be home to me. It's so surreal to be sitting at this bar.
Out of sight, out of mind...
It's a nice morning here.
That doesn't count. Too little, too late.
(draft) Black with decent white head and lacing. Light aroma of coffee and malts. Flavor like the aroma. Fairly light, bordering on bland. Finish is a little chocolatey. A decent beer.