So why do I keep spouting the same drivel over and over, even long after it's become perfectly clear that it does more harm than good?
Because it feels right in my head. Because it fits onto my heart like a glove fits onto my hand. Because it belongs.
Because one night I leaned against a railing, and I looked at her as she sat and cried on this little wall...
and I broke through the clouds, and I saw how far I was going to fall. And I knew, right then and right there that my life would never be the same again.
That's why I keep writing crap like this.
Because I was right. Everything changed then.
My next stop, after Buffalo Wild Wings, wasn't the BBC after all. It was the Haunted Highland Tap Room. I had a couple Newcastles (4682) and had a little séance. Funny, we only came here once, but this place seems as haunted as any other. Maybe even more than Rich O's, because there are fewer memories competing for attention.
Next, I went over to The Pub. Actually I went to Hard Rock first, but CoolHairGirl wasn't working, so I went to The Pub and had yet another Newcastle (4702) and talked to BikerGirl for a while.
My sister Dina called to see if I was going to Rich O's later. I hadn't really made any plans to go there, but I told her that I'd meet her in about an hour. I invited BikerGirl to come to Rich O's when she got off work at 8:00. I wrote down directions for her, just in case. I think going to Indiana was about tenth on her list of possibilities for the evening.
But at least she didn't laugh when I invited her. So that was cool.
Got to Rich O's a little after 7:00. I sat at the kiddie table with Dina and had another Diet Coke. Her husband Kenny came in after a while. BadPickleGirl came in with some dude, but I think it was just a coincidence that they came in. Unless she's stalking me.
Eventually, I had a bottle of yummy Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier (1805). Once everyone else had left, I waited until about 9:30 to see if BikerGirl was going to show up.
Then, some fucked-up shit happened.
Then, I stopped at White Castle on the way home.