Saturday, November 29, 2003
posted by dave at 10:30 AM in category entertainment

I really like that show "queer eye for the straight guy."

Last night, in fact, I had a choice between catching up on the four hours of "24" that I've had tivoed but never watched, or watching the queer eye marathon that got tivoed last week.

I watched the gay guys, and really enjoyed it. They are hilarious.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003
posted by dave at 3:49 PM in category daily

I've noticed that the turkey I bought doesn't have one of those popup doohickeys to tell me when it's done.

I have zero confidence in my ability to place a meat thermometer correctly, so I'll probably either burn the house down or give myself food poisoning.

Happy Thanksgiving, one day early, just in case.

Saturday, November 22, 2003
posted by dave at 9:54 AM in category family

Birthday greetings to my sister Dina!

Perhaps it's time to start lying about your age.

posted by dave at 9:50 AM in category daily, drink

I hardly ever get a hangover. This is mostly because I'm such a lightweight when it comes to alcohol that I don't drink that much. It is possible, however, for a new beer to sneak up on me and whack me in the head repeatedly before I know what's coming.

My first beer at Rich O's last night was, as usual, a Cone Smoker. I'm tempted to call last night's glass a sample of yet another version of this Sybil of beers, but it was actually very close to version #5, with a slightly less bland background behind the smoke.

Next I was on to the experimentation phase of the night. The NABC has released a new Belgian-style pale ale called Merckx, and I had a small pint of that. The only word I can think of to describe it is "cloying." There didn't seem to be much of a distinct flavor, but what there was lingered for quite a while.

I next tried to order an Alaskan Smoked Porter, but they were out. The bartender then tried to kill me. She selected a bottle of Schlenkerla Urbock Smokebeer, reasoning that since I like smoky beer I should try what is perhaps the strongest entry in that field.

Well, the smoke was indeed very powerful. It was also quite a different type of smoky flavor than the Cone Smoker, Rogue Smoke Ale, or any other Rauchbier I've tried. I got a definite grapey taste from the smoke. I don't know if I would call it a good taste, but it certainly did the job of concealing the alcohol behind it.

After just two or three drinks I began to suspect that this would have to be my last beer of the night. After a couple more I started wondering if I would even finish the bottle.

I did manage to finish it and raced home before the alcohol still in my stomach could join its brethren in my bloodstream.

Now this morning I feel like shit and probably look worse.

posted by dave at 12:15 AM in category ramblings probably think this entry is about you.

They say that familiarity breeds contempt, but in your case it breeds the opposite.

You seem to have no idea how incredibly sexy you are, and that only make you more desirable.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003
posted by dave at 3:10 PM in category daily

Last week I sprained my wrist in bed.

Now, if you're smart, you'll stop reading right there. The facts of what happened will pale before whatever filthy scenario your mind is imagining now.

A glutton for punishment, huh? Okay, you asked for it.

I'm going to the effort of writing this account because I've told this story to about 351 people since this morning. In the future, when someone asks me about my wrist brace, I plan to just refer them to this site and go on with my life.

What happened is this - and really, this is very boring, so stop reading now - is that I was sleeping. I was alone. There were no handcuffs involved. Heck, even my cats had long since tired of my constant tossing and turning and escaped to more comfortable bedding, like the floor, or in Happy's case, the bathroom sink.

Anyway, I was sleeping. Sleeping on my left side, to be exact. My left hand was hanging over the edge of the mattress.

Here comes the exciting part.

I turned over.

Because of my sleeping condition I didn't remove my hand from the edge of the mattress before I turned over. I gave my wrist a pretty good jerk, and woke up saying a pretty bad word.

Two days later it still hurt so I went to the doctor. He told me to stop turning over and to wear this wrist brace.

Now, don't you wish you'd stopped reading back when your filthy mind thought I'd hurt my wrist during some orgy of depravity?

posted by dave at 12:28 PM in category daily, work

I can't believe that Cutie Pie* would do this to me.

She door dinged me. I had just arrived at work, and was still in my car getting my things together, when she pulled in next to me and opened her driver's door right into my passenger door! It was really a pretty good thumping, and when I turned to look, Cutie Pie just smiled at me, closed her door, and took off across the parking lot.

This is certainly not the first door ding on my Intrepid, but it's the first one I've witnessed while it happened.

Because that door already had several dings It's not like I'd want her to pay for the damages or anything. One thing I would have liked, however, would have been an "I'm sorry" or even an "Oops." I guess she figures that, because she is so cute, she can get away with this rude behaviour.

And the fact is that she can, at least with me and my Intrepid. Had it been my Monte Carlo I'd have asked for some type of immediate payment. Perhaps I'd have let her "work it off" if you know what I mean.

* - not her real name

Sunday, November 16, 2003
posted by dave at 2:05 AM in category daily, drink

Tonight I reacquainted myself with one of my favorite beers, Newcastle Brown Ale.

I had three glasses at Hooters with my cousin Jeff while waiting for MysteryLady to call. Hooters is one of the few places in the area with Newcastle on tap, and the half-naked women aren't bad either.

Newcastle Brown Ale

Newcastle is one of those beers that tastes good from the first sip of the first glass to the last drop of the third glass. It's as steady as a rock. Not as flavorful as some of the beers I've been drinking recently, but it's extremely well-balanced, and with only 5% or so ABV, it makes a very good session beer.

Later in the night MysteryLady and I went to Rich O's. This was a risk but our fears proved to be unfounded as nobody there knows her.

I had my obligatory Cone Smoker (Still style #1) and she had some Lindemann's Peche.

After my Cone Smoker I decided to try a little experiment.

I ordered a 10oz Guiness and a 10oz Rogue Shakespeare Stout and did a side-by-side comparison.

The Guiness, which I've had several hundred times before, is the standard by which I judge all other stouts. That said, the Rogue was pretty good.

Rogue Shakespeare Stout

Less bitter than the Guiness, and with more of a chocolate/coffee aftertaste. Definitely drinkable, but given a choice between Rogue and Guiness I'll always pick Guiness.

I also had a sip of Lindemann's Peche and, as I expected, it tasted like beer with peach juice in it. While I can understand its appeal to some, it's just not something I can see myself ever buying again.

Saturday, November 15, 2003
posted by dave at 9:02 PM in category daily, drink

Last night was certainly an interesting one.

The Good: My sister has gotten engaged, and we all met her and her boyfriend (fiance!) to congratulate them and share in the joy and all that mushy stuff.

The Bad: The bar where all the festivites took place carries no beer worthy of human consumption, so I settled for a couple of Diet Cokes and waited for an appropriate time to sneak out.

Seeing so many of my family members together at once got me thinking about my dad, and I decided to have a Falls City in his honor.

It wasn't the battery acid that I remember from the occasional sips I took as a kid. As lagers go, it's probably better than most American ones. That's not saying much though. Hoppy, with a little bit of a citrus tang that didn't make me want to vomit. Not after just one at least. I didn't risk another.

The Ugly: Apparently that's me. I was at Rich O's, drinking some Cone Smoker (Style #1 again) to remind myself why I drink, and having a very lively discussion with LaptopGirl about things ranging from England to beer to her ex-boyfriend.

LaptopGirl is quite cute, in a dorky way. Since I'm quite dorky in a cute way, we were clicking right along. Or so I thought. Right in the middle of a sentence LaptopGirl stopped and loudly told her girlfriend how cute she thought the guy standing next to me was. The guy overheard that and promptly moved to the head of the line for LaptopGirl's attention. They ended up leaving together shortly afterwards.

Thursday, November 13, 2003
posted by dave at 6:30 PM in category daily

Today I finally bit the bullet and went to the doctor about my wrist.

Tuesday, for about the zillionth time, I strained it during sleep and was awakened by the pain.

The doctor didn't really fix anything, he just told me to be more careful while I was sleeping. I still haven't figured out how to do that.

I also get to wear this incredibly sexy wrist brace for a while.

Interestingly, my regular doctor has mysteriously disappeared, and his office will only say that he's not going to be returning to the practice. So this doctor today was a new one for me. On the plus side, his receptionist is quite hot.

mysterious gray box mysterious blue box mysterious red box mysterious green box mysterious gold box

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